Thomas Richardson MA, LP, LSP

Tom Richardson is a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed School Psychologist. He trained at the University of Minnesota Educational Psychology Department where he assisted in research related to the early development of children prenatally exposed to chemicals. He has extensive assessment experience with children and adults. For the past 11 years, he has worked closely with therapists, nurses, and psychiatrists at Psych Recovery Inc. to help clarify diagnoses and plan mental health supports. He has 15-years of experience working in public schools completing special education assessments for students in elementary school through transition age. He has 20 years of experience working in a private school settings providing consultation with staff and completing learning disability, ADHD, and mental health assessments. His work with children provides him with knowledge to help parents understand the needs of students so they can partner with schools to plan for supports such as a 504 Plan or Individual Education Plan. Tom also has worked extensively with adults including more than 20 years working with the Minnesota Division of Rehabilitation Services to complete learning and mental health evaluations to plan for the vocational needs of adults with disabilities.

Tom has a focus on assessments for learning disabilities, ADHD, developmental disorders, mental health, and personality disorders. He works with individuals from elementary age through adult. His evaluations provide information for accommodations in educational and employment settings. They also provide information to help guide treatment and intervention for mental health issues.